Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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60 entries this month

21:44 Mar 31 2009
Times Read: 1,562

Andy Hallett -- best known for playing Angel's suave, friendly green demon Lorne with the ability to read people when they sang (most often at his violence-free karaoke club) -- passed away March 29 following a five-year battle with congestive heart disease. He was 33.




21:47 Mar 31 2009

Well damn that sucks majorly

00:31 Apr 01 2009

He really added to that show and was fun to watch. Way too young :(

01:06 Apr 01 2009

Aw fuck...that is so sad... RIP Andy Hallett.

15:36 Apr 02 2009

oh that is sad. i loved his Lorne character.

23:39 Apr 03 2009

I KNOW!!!! I am so miserable. One of the things Scott said he wanted to do if we actually got our Gothic B+B was to have him be our lounge lizard singer. Scott was crushed, and so am I.


Pre April Fools plots...

16:10 Mar 31 2009
Times Read: 1,308

harpia is giving tens out today to anyone she rates and having fun doing it. :) I just notice today is the last day of March so that means Arpil Fools Day is only a few hours away.

What to do...what to do...?

No need to hurt my brain as I will be out of town so no tricks from me this year, unlike last year when I started a journal entry that I was going to have a baby. lol That was funny.

And how could I top that anyway?

I could make a stamp saying "I give you a 10" and really give out a 1. Nope... people already do that here.


Dang.. I am stumped on any tricks to do on VR.



17:03 Mar 31 2009

Hmm now I might have something for you will get it taken care of tonight so that you can have it in the morning. :)

17:06 Mar 31 2009

lets see here this is my 5th april fools day on vr....

a few years ago i told my coven i was disbanding as a april fools joke.....

took me weeks to clear that up....lol bad idea lol

and i think last year i told a few friends i couldn't help them out due to i broke my fingers...(hint hint, i was typeing at the time......)

this year.... i have no clue what i am doing lolol

17:47 Mar 31 2009

Hhaha well VW... Are you saying I´m DA FOOL? :P

19:46 Mar 31 2009

Never ever would I say that.

*Rat hugs*


I am just very very happy you are back on VR.

22:56 Mar 31 2009

Well, I hear dear old Sockpuppet has been given a reprieve and is making his comeback as a Regent on the 1st of April :)

23:58 Mar 31 2009

LOL Oh I like that one Swan. :)


14:40 Mar 31 2009
Times Read: 1,311

I know I have read this before on a whelp profile. About a week of so ago. Damn...that is going to drive me nuts now.

"im currently in the process of writting a book, the name im not quite sure off yet, but its one of those with two points of veiw. and im helping my 4 other friends write a book together, we pass it around like notes in school, and read the last entries, then write our own. its going pretty good too, we're on our 3 notebook, and we've yet to be caught with it...!"

lol I should put out a APB (All Points Bulletin) to find the other account.

Of course it could be one of the other four friends.







02:16 Mar 31 2009
Times Read: 1,340

On 01:00:50 Mar 31 2009 (-0 GMT) ThedarkXXXXXVvvvV wrote:

Good evening

just passing the time.

how are you this evening?

*Rat looks at the message and thinks... so you are bored and just message me out of the blue? Not that you wanted to or desired to....as you are just passing time. But that is me being harsh... so...Rat types, telling herself to be nice*

On 01:01:53 Mar 31 2009 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

I am fine. How are you this night?

*Rat waits to see if he will send back something that can turn into a nice talk*

On 01:04:17 Mar 31 2009 (-0 GMT) ThedarkXXXXXVvvvV wrote:

Im doing well just passing time.

*Rat drops her head, and smiles. Why? Why do people do that? Send me a message, I am not that hard to talk to. Key word there is TALK. I mean... as long as you don't go way over my head... I can hold my side. I swear. Rat sighs and thinks what to send back.*

Message To: ThedarkXXXXXVvvvV

Well ... hope you the best at that.




02:30 Mar 31 2009

God! At least he didn't want to talk about coffee and milk!

02:33 Mar 31 2009

LOL Hey- I like that we talk about any and everything Bull. *hugs* I missed ya you old horny cow.

03:14 Mar 31 2009

Some of the best conversations are about nothing at all. Just nice to converse. :)

14:07 Mar 31 2009

I think some people need conversations like this because, on a certain level, it provides confirmation of their own existence. Or something.

p.s. I HATE being asked how I am. And I hate talking about the weather. I will never give a serious answer to these questions.

15:22 Mar 31 2009

It's because everyone's afraid to ask you if you know how to fix the problems with the world... you might have the right answer!!!!


Home away from Home

16:06 Mar 30 2009
Times Read: 1,375

Early in the morning and Rat enters the House of Madadh-Alluidh thru the hole in the kitchen door. She looks around, sniffing the air to see if anything was around to eat. She hears a MEEP and goes toward the living room. Wolfs lays all around the room, some on the couch, others on the floor. One or two lifted there heads up, giving her a glance of welcome.

Rat walks by one sleeping wolf, careful to not wake him, and hears the rumble of an empty stomach. She looks down at her own but soon learned it had not been her own, but the wolf that was beside her.

One gray eye open to look at her, a tongue coming out to lick its lips in that “Hmmmm fat plump rat to eat” way. Rat runs off, running over wolf tails, paws on her way to hide behind Meeper, screaming like a little girl as she does. The wolfs watched, many waking up to see what was going on. Rat stands behind the Meeper, her plump body not hidden well at all by the thin Meeper, as she says… “This is a really good ideal you had Meep. Put me in a House filled with hungry wolfs.”

The wolf that gave her the hungry look just let out a woof howl, laughter found at the Rat running scared. Other wolfs joined in, the eyes lite with humor. Meeper gave a chuckle as the Rat came out from behind her, hands on hips. “That was not funny.” Rat gave up and smiled, joining in with the laughter as the wolfs got up, started their days.

Who said the wolfs had no fun? And no place a Rat can feel so safe.

Don’t pick on me- I run with a pack of wolfs.



16:16 Mar 30 2009

-pick... pick...pick...- ;)

16:28 Mar 30 2009

lol You would pick.... :P :)

17:05 Mar 30 2009

Nah they just listened when told you'd taste bad! lol

17:09 Mar 30 2009



22:12 Mar 30 2009



01:31 Mar 30 2009
Times Read: 1,415

After the 6 hours of sleep I blew off the housework and did something I enjoyed.

I call it Soft and Hard.

Know the make up looks?

Soft is the Good Witch, the play Wicked.

Hard is Britney Toxic Video.



02:53 Mar 30 2009

So was it better for you soft or hard?


03:28 Mar 30 2009

I LOVE THEM BOTH, Damn I like it...hard...speaking of hard, if I had a pe-


04:29 Mar 30 2009

*laughs at Kat*......Beautiful AND Hot!

06:03 Mar 30 2009

So.....who has a tongue shot now? HMMMMM????


13:38 Mar 30 2009

O.O Prevs... everyone of ya.


16:13 Mar 30 2009

oh wow what a difference would never had said the second one was you :)

17:07 Mar 30 2009

Damn what a change both looks are good but the hard scares me!


11:00 Mar 29 2009
Times Read: 1,440

Ok... it is 6:00 am and I have not went to sleep yet. Watched tv, checked profiles of everyone who has been on since around 3:00. Read journals, even went looked at the main forum.

Watched Youtube with no sound as the speakers on the laptop is not working.

Went to pee several times.... I hear the Birdy laughing from the next town on that one. :P

Search Photobucket for two hours for pictures of anything I could think of.

Almost called Birdy as I am feeling so alone tonight.

And the storm is over.


One more trip to the bathroom, a sleeping pill and I be dang if I don't get some sleep tonight,,, make that today.

*tells the mind to shut the fuck up, let me rest*



17:11 Mar 29 2009

You SHOULD have called.....I was probably in the bathroom too anyway..... :)


05:02 Mar 29 2009
Times Read: 1,453

*rat runs as hail starts to fall, and lightening....*

Holy shit this a hell of a storm.

*Goes to hide behind Otter*



08:17 Mar 29 2009

You too? Ours turned to snow, how about you?

19:34 Mar 29 2009

We got a crap load of rain and some thunder/ lightening. But didn't see no hail in it. Hope that you are doing well.

21:11 Mar 29 2009

That crap came by us early this morning. We got the hail and lightening. (I took a sleeping pill and crashed through it all)


05:00 Mar 29 2009
Times Read: 1,455

Had a fun day. Talked makeup with Kryptick, lovely young lady to talk to about makeup with as no one in my real life cares about it. :)

Had a laugh with the Otter. :O

Dinner with my friends, Jazz concert at the Public Library that was not the best but still something to do in this small town on a Sat. night. :/

Watched the movie "The Others" and talked of ghost, how the movie ended. O,o

Now a storm outside, rain falling in buckets on the tin roof. :)

Good day...good day.

*Rat heads to House Eternal and her bed*



05:19 Mar 29 2009

FUCK YEAH! Journal mention, woot woot!

I liked The Others. I had to watch it 3 times before I remembered how it ended though, and that part I think with the door? That scares the crap out of me every time, haha

13:39 Mar 30 2009

lol You are way to easy to please. :)


07:09 Mar 28 2009
Times Read: 1,470

*yawns* VR done it's magic again... rating means I got sleepy again. Cancer so gets a hug if I ever meet him. :)




16:03 Mar 27 2009
Times Read: 1,513

Don’t ya love the long stamps that have everything a person is on here in them? The ones that are a mile long with pictures and crest in them? Hey- you paid for the right to use those stamps so I ain't bitching... but... :)

Well who we kidding- I am. lol

Member since 2009

Level One: Whelp

Proud member of The Coven So and So

Forum Master of The Coven So and So

Healer of The Coven So and So

Loved and protected by So and So, who is Sire in The Coven of So and So

Favor award winner of The Coven of So and So

Taken by So and So member- love of my life

I have a hang nail on my right foot

My panties have a hole in them

I eat spam meat while playing in The Coven of So and So

If you update- I will rerate you

Please rate me back

I think I will make one for myself

Me- Rat

You- Don’t care.



16:04 Mar 27 2009

They are irritating I agree

17:38 Mar 27 2009

This is one I use when I get those type of stamps or when I am feeling a bit grumpy LOL

Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com

18:13 Mar 27 2009


19:51 Mar 27 2009

Wipes lemonade off screen.....love those two stamps in your ocmment box......lol

20:04 Mar 27 2009

rofl I love the smart folks here

20:40 Mar 27 2009

ROFLMFAO @ those stamps ...



yikes .. what do i have on my stamp ??

i better go check !!


21:02 Mar 27 2009

It would be really funny if somebody put their entire profile in their stamp.

I mean funny in the "I'm going to shoot you in the head" way.

00:33 Mar 28 2009

Love both of those stamps. And yes I can agree that they do get a bit irritating.


00:59 Mar 27 2009
Times Read: 1,527

I have a fear of kids... a group of them all high on suger, bouncing off the walls, screaming at the top of their lungs.

Then I think of VR....



01:01 Mar 27 2009

hahhahah !!!

well... there goes you ever visiting me and my lil Tribe :(


01:31 Mar 27 2009

lol hmmm well I can send you my two boys and they will be just like the group in the pic. But then again you are right........ then I think of VR.....:)

17:02 Mar 27 2009

LMFAO!! I so love it ......

02:53 Mar 28 2009

Ahhahaha. That's funny--and true!

I also enjoy "Why would I watch Jerry Springer? I have a VR account."


17:27 Mar 26 2009
Times Read: 1,537

I really have a kick ass sister.

*smiles and eats cheesecake*




12:44 Mar 26 2009
Times Read: 1,557

So Birdy called me last evening and she said she had sent the slide show of her pictures with the make up to a civil war reenacted friend. I asked how she liked them, gearing up for another one “OH MY” or some silly comment like her family made about her in the pictures.

“She loved them.” “Well any normal person would of.” I had to get that dig in- sorry. “No- she really LOVED them. Her email says she would love to have pictures done of herself. Would you friend do mine? And how much?”



I have meet the woman a few times- she is a big gal like me, short hair, kind of a tomboy look going on. I mean- she leads a cannon group in the battles, owns the cannon. Safe to say when I meet her she looked like a person who spent a lot of time outside, and little on the make up. But then I only meet her at a battle so… don’t judge a book by its cover.

I told her to send back I would do her make up and pictures, understanding they might not come out great. I mean- I knew birdy’s face, done her make up before. And I am in no way a professional in the photo taking so it might not work out. But I was willing to try it. And I would not charge anything. I mean- what will it cost me but some make up, really? I am not going to ask for money to do something I love to do.

After thinking about it last night I look forward to it. If I could pull this off … it would be good for the lady. What woman doesn’t want to look good? Look different then they do every day of the week? That doesn’t like to dress up and look all pretty? To look at a picture and say “Damn- that is me? I am not that bad looking at all.” Confidence is a wonderful thing. And its another face I get to play with as far as make up.

While Birdy said it was not what she looked like everyday, more a no make up with a ponytail girl I have to bite my tongue. But that is what you can look like with some time and some make up. No it is not a look you would do everyday- but remember that the person in the picture IS YOU. Beauty is from the inside out for me, and it is how you present yourself that matters. Look at the shine in the eyes, the smile, the expression on your face. That is not make up or fancy photo skills.

If I can do anything with these pictures I wish that is what I can show the person.



13:14 Mar 26 2009

OOH this ought to be fun, I know you can do awesome sis.

13:55 Mar 26 2009

You'll do just fine.

16:54 Mar 26 2009

i've seen your work and i would bet money you would do an amazing job ;]

17:27 Mar 26 2009

Could be a side job for you....I mean, how many people, want someone to do up their make up and hair, for pictures. I know Olan Mills does, but they cake things on. You would be wonderful and it would be something you could relax and do, when you want too.


21:40 Mar 25 2009
Times Read: 1,577

Birdy just called me and told me something that has blown my mind. Just..... WTH?

I will tell ya in the morning after I get my own mind wrap around it.

Nothing bad- nothing to worry about. Its all good.


Ok- off for a hot bath to ease the back pain, the bed to watch Ghost Hunters till I can't fight the sleep off any more.



01:06 Mar 26 2009

I got to blow the Rat's brain....na nnnaaaannnaaannnaannnaaannnaannnnnnaaaaa

Hey....it doesn't happen often. Gotta rub it in when it does!!! :)


22:34 Mar 24 2009
Times Read: 1,624

chrysanthemia- I have read her journal often, offline like I do most unless I plan to comment.

Anyway- I read her journal and found her to be a strong young woman. Sure she makes mistakes but then who hasn't on here?

I will give her this- she handled what happen with class. Speaks a lot about her.

*saying no more*



22:38 Mar 24 2009

Oh my gosh. Thank you so much. I almost feel I don't deserve such kind words. I'm actually smiling though.

A little positivity goes so much farther than a lot of negativity. You're such a great person in my eyes. Thank you again, for everything. I mean that.

22:43 Mar 24 2009

Oh I am not that great- I have let a rant or two go out, made my mistakes on this site. But those who show class, who could make a stink but don't ... your life is so much more then that if people would read your journal.

But that is my two cents and that can't buy anything these days. :)

23:00 Mar 24 2009

Yeah, but we're all human, and we make mistakes. You give me the margin room to make mistakes, and look past that. That sort of understanding is more than I could ask for here. And the fact that you give that willingly, makes you amazing to me.

Two cents doesn't get you much, no. But kindness does. Don't stop producing it. You're so amazing to a lot of people.

01:52 Mar 25 2009

Yes You Are Amazing to a lot of people.... I am one of them. You made me feel so much better after that one particular issue and for that I've always been thankful to you for. As for Chrysanthemia, I agree. Everyone should be so classy when it comes to this place. *also saying no more*

17:05 Mar 25 2009

Class always wins out and I find that she has a lot of class and so do you .

23:45 Mar 25 2009

Yep, I've read her writing also. A class act to me too.



17:50 Mar 24 2009
Times Read: 1,636



15:45 Mar 24 2009
Times Read: 1,652

Just got a call from the funeral home. I called them the other day asking about the headstones we ordered back in December. At that time I was told two months. I understand that the white marble (with a vein of gold running in it) was being ship from India so I was not being to pushy with the deadline they sat. It is not only my Dad’s stone, but all of the families.

We went with a white marble marker (sort of like a footstone but bigger) sitting on a shiny black marble base. Six total- Dad, Mom, brother and me and my two sisters. Yes there is another sister but she is going to buried with her family, or I took it as that. She never asked and I never said.

We had talked about this before Dad passed away- how we wanted it laid out. I wanted a circle, with a center statue. I still think that would be a great symbol of our family. But when it was voted on it became four plots in a row, with two rolls. Statue- most likely an Angel with her arms open wide, will start the plots off. She will be white marble, and sitting on a tall black shinny marble base and turned so she can watch over all of our graves.

Dad is the first and my mother, showing her dependence streak is not having a “couple” stone but one on her own. Dad would have been fine with that- think he would of gotten a kick out of it. The one thing he always “picked” on her about was her need to be her own woman. But this is also the one thing he loved best about her.

Then my brother is next. Then you go down a roll and one of my sisters will be below the angel, her twin next to her (under dad). I will be the last one (under mom), leaving one spot for a black marble bench (under brother). The area we picked is on the crest of the graveyard’s hill. We hope people will be able to see the angel from the road, how she is watching over the whole graveyard. As of now there is no tall statue in the graveyard.

Back to the markers- he said they was done, just waiting for a load to ship them out, should be here in a two or three weeks. He said I would need to go out with him when they get ready to set them, show them how to lay them out.

I have not been back to the graveyard since the funeral. Don’t think I am ready to face it yet. But it seems I will be going very soon.



15:58 Mar 24 2009

First of all let me say I am sorry for your loss…I know, mere words, but I have come to understand peoples need to say that, unfortunately.

I lost my Dad in 2000 and Mother last Aug. It was so hard to go back to the cemetery, so hard. But my obsessive need to make sure Mother had her favorite pansies overruled and I forced myself to go.

I hope you will find that inner strength and are able to do what you have to do…I know it won’t be easy. Again, I am so sorry for your loss.

17:41 Mar 24 2009

Words can't express how I feel reading this. All I know is that you are a woman of strength and resolve. When the time is right for you, you will go and feel good for doing it. *hugs*

18:11 Mar 24 2009

Words can never express the feelings that you feel hun. The main thing that I can you is that youa re a strong willed person and you will find your right time to go back to the graveyard. It won't be a closing in thoughts but the beginning of a new thought or life. *hugs*

21:15 Mar 24 2009

You call me when they call you, you're not going alone.

21:43 Mar 24 2009

What Nightgame said.....or if you want to go before...we can plan a time and do it before the stones get here.

22:46 Mar 24 2009

It sounds serene and beautiful. I would have voted for your circle idea...I agree, the symbolism would be a lovely tribute to your family.


19:12 Mar 23 2009
Times Read: 1,684

Came to work this morning and found out a man that worked with my father for years had passed away. He went out on the road with my father for years, but never stayed when dad stop going on the road. He wanted to go out on his own- buy a truck and all that. I remember him asking Dad to let him use his truck but dad never let that happen. He would not stay and move locals as he liked being on the road.

So him and his wife went to another moving company and was given a tractor trailer to go on the road. Guess they did fine- we would have visits, talk of his son even getting his own truck as after high school he had started to travel with his father.

About ten years ago we was told he was sick, had a stroke that left him unable to speak. But later we was told by his son that he was speaking but would never be on the road again. I also understood his son lost his job for the moving company on terms that something had happen on a job, I did not ask or want to know what. Sure dad knew but he never shared.

Never thought about it till this morning when his wife called to tell my Dad Bobby had died. She did not know dad had pasted away and it was very upsetting to her, and to my sister who was telling her the news. Mom had not had a good night, some bad dream I understand.

So it was decided I would do the visitation tonight at the small town about a hour away. My sister called a florist in the town to order flower when it came about the visitation was on the day of the service- Tuesday. Kind of strange for this area she commented when the florist said the family was keeping it hushed as he died in jail.


“Sorry- what did you say?” “You did not know?” “We have not talked to the family in a few years. What happen?” She would not say but said we could look online at the local newspaper and see the story in the latest release. We did-

Front Page News in the latest newspaper-


I can hear my Daddy voice right now- “You are keeping your butt at home.”

That is one we would of agreed on.



19:30 Mar 23 2009

Oh wow. *hugs*

19:34 Mar 23 2009


yeah i'm totally with you and Dad's voice on this one...

20:04 Mar 23 2009

Well, that was certainly my Holy Crap for the day. Poor rat. I wish things like this didn't happen to you - but there is always his voice in your head, just like my dad's is in mine...still helping us make the tough decisions. Stay home. The flowers are more than enough at this point.

00:58 Mar 24 2009

Plus the drive over there would make you car sick!


17:07 Mar 23 2009
Times Read: 1,694


Just been that kind of day.

Just wasted away.

Wasted my effort on things that do not matter.

Wasted my time on something that gives no pay back.

Wasted my imagination.

Wasted my desire for something new in life

Wasted my tears of sadness when only I can know why.

Wasted my life doing other’s wishes.

Wasted my ability to change.

Wasted my day

Wasted my life?

That and I want a nap.




18:30 Mar 23 2009

Sweet dreams.

19:32 Mar 23 2009

Tomorrow is always a new day and you know you have friends to support you. *hugs*

21:19 Mar 23 2009

and that dear is my day today :(

kinda makes you wonder why you get up some mornings

00:58 Mar 24 2009

But tomorrow is a brand new day to explore and find wonderful *hugs*


19:53 Mar 20 2009
Times Read: 1,743

Gave myself a gift today- cut and highlights in my hair.

Yeap- I am a spoiled rat.



20:07 Mar 20 2009

Nope not spoiled, simply a beautiful rat that makes sure she takes care of herself! :D

20:13 Mar 20 2009

rats are supposed to be spoiled! :D

20:26 Mar 20 2009

YAY i like them xxxxx

21:23 Mar 20 2009

:D We must spoil ourselves sometimes anyways...... Not a spoiled rat just one that does like to feel and look good at all times. Love the highlights & cut.

22:26 Mar 20 2009

"Nope not spoiled, simply a beautiful rat that makes sure she takes care of herself! :D"

Sahahria,you couldnt have worded it any closer to what I was going to say if you had tried.

08:24 Mar 21 2009

it looks great, good for you.

22:48 Mar 21 2009


Looks great Rat!

23:20 Mar 21 2009

Bangs n' highlites! groovy I'd sticky my neck out for you anyday Rat :)

07:24 Mar 22 2009

Looks very nice darling. :)


12:54 Mar 20 2009
Times Read: 1,747


*goes to dance*




17:05 Mar 19 2009
Times Read: 1,779

Got a big claim on a military shipment of $775.00 so I spent this morning looking for the paperwork. Could not pull it up on the computers under jobs, could not pull it up under payments. So I got the joy of going out into the cold warehouse and hunting it down the old fashion way- the paperwork.

So I looked back two years and did not find his file in the paperwork, thinking I was missing something about this. Last ditch- I called the Company we book for and asked them to look up at least where it came from as I attempt to answer this claim by memory. *incert laughter here*

"We see two with that last name, but the Goverment Bill of Lading doesn't match. Either way- no claim on either of these." Hmmmm.

So I called the claim company direct- asking them to tell me some info as I can not get it to pull up in the system. That is when I took the time to really look at the claim. "Does this say it was delivered on 4/18/05?" "Yes." "Well you do know the member only has 75 days to place a claim after delivery? And then the mover only has 120 days to answer the said claim?" "Where do you get that?" "Uhh it's in the RSD tarrif- the bible on military shipments. I am not paying a claim that is 4 years old. When did the shipper file it?" "On 3/6/09" "Then why are we even talking about this? Turn it down due to them not meeting the time limits. Hells bells- he might of moved two more times since this move."


"I will have to let you talk to my boss. Please hold" Of course I got the voice mail. I tried to fax the page that tells of the time limits about claims...but their fax is busy for the last 30 mins.

Hmmm... No way in hell are you sticking me with a $775.00 claim that is 4 years old.




17:51 Mar 19 2009


11:05 Mar 20 2009

Ohh see why you read those dang manuals so closely o-o


Oh well... she is still my #1 sex goddess. ;)

13:33 Mar 19 2009
Times Read: 1,794

Birdy journal from last night talked of the pictures I took of her all made up. Her family thinks they are wrong. Why? For that you have to understand Birdy’s family. (good luck with that)

I first meet Birdy and she was silent, professional in a cooling matter. No cussing, uncomfortable if you did so. Not a prune in any way--- but a little tightly in some spots. (butt pucker.. Had to say it. ;) But it only took that glimmer in her eye to see a sister in hiding, a person that I knew would be fun to share life with.

Now she is more open- heck just the other night she said damn in a restaurant. lol And I mean she just let it out- no blushing, no hesitation. She felt it and she said it. I was so proud of her. Yes it is mine and Cat’s goal to corrupt her as much as we can, as if you did not get that already. lol

But let it be known- there is some things she does that I am not brave enough or lack the desire to do. She takes chances, likes changes and looks forward to something new in her life most days. Her family might not see that part of her, but I do. This woman is not a sheep, or a person who will be afraid. I fuss at her that she always says “I don’t care.” Took me a long time to see that she does care about things- but not the small stuff. “If I have an opinion on it I will tell you.” Not a sheep but a very quiet wolf.

Back to her family- let’s just say she was raised in a very controlling family. When I am around them I have to slip into my “Mom would kill you if…” mode. No cussing, manners, polite to a fault. It is like being in church, but more fun as her family is fun to be around. You just have to mind your manners and that is cool, I don‘t see it as a bad thing. But that is just me visiting. When it is over I get in the car and fight the urge to just let out a “Fuck”. lol For no other reason then just me wanting to. They don’t get me mad or anything- just different as daylight to night from my family.

Nita was raised in this. Till she went to college. Thank god college was a state away.

She told me she never worn makeup till college. And even today she will tell you she is not good putting it on. Not that she wears it all the time, but she is known to dress it up some days. But she wanted glamour. What lady doesn’t want that? So we ended up Saturday night playing around with make up, her wanting me to take some pictures of her like I did Cat and Puppy. Now we all know I love to do it so it was not a problem for me. And she had fun with it.

In my bedroom, music on, talking, laughing. She removed her shirt so I would not get makeup on it, taking the bra straps down under her arms so they would not show in the pictures. I have seen Nita in her bra ….even her panties. *shocked look* Hey- we vacation together - you see things. :)

You want to see that inner glimmer of Nita that we see in person- put a camera in front of her. She loves having her picture taken. Asking me to take her picture she will tell me “Make sure I am the focus” lol Never mind the lighthouse she was standing in front of. She is made to have attention given to and nothing does it more then a camera.

After a few shots, showing her the pictures in the view finder to calm her down a little, show her that she looked good, she got her grove going. We have a friend who is a award winning news photographer. I don’t by any means think I could do this for money- I just know I don’t like posed dull pictures if I can help it. With Birdy- you don’t have that worry at all. Hand her a prop and step back- the inner diva is coming out. Took about three hours for makeup and the pictures but we ended up on the couch, looking at the 210 shots I took, keeping 140 of them that was not blurry. Yes I know- steady hands damn it. lol

She was stunning. Totally different then anything she ever done before- her sexy inner self being matched by the make up. She just ROCKED the make up, her hair, those eyes giving you passion, hate ( lol that was easy for her to find ;) happiness, and I see love in them. She has love in her eyes always- love of her family and friends, those in need. Why she is good at her job.

Now is it something different for her family to see? Hell ya. And I understand the issues they have with them, those pictures that do not explain how or why she wanted to do it, they just see her with all the makeup, giving the camera looks that they never seen from her. She wanted to not be her for a while, to be that person the make up makes you. Thing is and what her family is not understanding and may never….

That person is Nita.

And I for one am proud of her spunk, her passion for life, and her knowledge that she is beautiful inside and outside.



13:46 Mar 19 2009

I totally hear what you're saying- and I am glad she stepped out of the box and did it :D

18:12 Mar 19 2009

Me too.

19:52 Mar 19 2009

I am speechless..so...just....HUGS.


19:42 Mar 18 2009
Times Read: 1,834

Found a level 5- looks like a nice guy, older, profile was good. (meaning I understood it)

So I sent him:

Hello there. :) Can I ask if you have picked your House or Coven yet?

He sent back:

Hello. No I am still looking at them.


Go ahead and say it- I asked for it, didn't I? Inductions.... oh the power to induct is making my hand itch. lol

Would it be rude to send back:

Let me help you with that. Welcome to the House. Please see *link for inductions* to find out what just happen to you.

Have a nice day. :)



19:52 Mar 18 2009

I say scratch that itch.;)

20:03 Mar 18 2009

Do it.

*wishes she could do that*


20:13 Mar 18 2009

go for it !

someones gonna do it if you dont lol

20:15 Mar 18 2009

I'm proud of your restraint ... not that he'll thank you when anothe society force inducts him!!

13:46 Mar 19 2009

I like to ask peeps exactly the way you did it... I WILL NOT induct someone...but I damn sure will ABDUCT someone into my coven in a heartbeat ;)

18:45 Mar 19 2009

and I thought it was just your trigger finger that had that problem lol


14:50 Mar 18 2009
Times Read: 1,857

Found these to be funny. If you don't then... well...Opps?




04:35 Mar 20 2009



13:00 Mar 18 2009
Times Read: 1,864

The storm we has a few weeks ago- ice then strong wind left a lot of trees down in our town. Some right across the street from the office.

City came in and said if you bring the limbs, cut down trees to the curb side we will remove them for you. Wasn't that nice of them?

And so the chipper and chain saws are across the street. ---.---

"XXXXXX Moving and Storage. How may I help you?" "What? I can't hear you." "XXXXXX MOVING AND STORAGE." "Mumble..." "WHAT?" "IS THIS THE MOVING COMPANY?" "YES IT IS!" "I can't hear you..." *hangs up*

*gives the chipper a mean look*

Ohhh you need to leave.



13:03 Mar 18 2009

*turns on the police scanner* Wonder how long before you start shooting at em?

13:58 Mar 18 2009

Wow,still clean up going on? :( I do hope it has at least gotten a bit warmer.


12:38 Mar 17 2009
Times Read: 1,920

People just can’t change their ways. You want to present a strong front- saying this and that. I am cool with it. But what I am not cool with is taking my comments out of content and stirring up shit with a friend. That I will call your ass on the carpet for.

You know what you hate in other people- how they take your words and twist them around, making you seem like the bad guy in all this, the smart ass. Funny how you do the same thing that you accuse others of.

I don’t mind strong minded people. In fact I love a good debate, worded in ways that are not insulting to those you are talking with. “I disagree with you and this is why…” is so much better then “Just take a breath and …”

What I do mind is people who are condescending toward others. They get on my nerves and I do have to say something.

:) Believe it or not- you are not the only one who has something to say, no matter if you don't like what is said it is still a point.

Treat others as you want to be treated.



12:48 Mar 17 2009

I second all of that.

15:52 Mar 17 2009

Yuh, me too!

19:20 Mar 17 2009

You like strong minded people! *rolls over laughing* Who else would love you like we do :)

23:29 Mar 17 2009

If this is about the thing in Inari (which it could be), I'm with you 100% on it. I think S***n was in the wrong, but he's immature and I don't want to get into the middle of it. I'm trying to keep my comments unbiased.

14:20 Mar 18 2009

"Treat others as you want to be treated. " How much more simple could it be..


19:01 Mar 16 2009
Times Read: 1,938

It has rained all day- enough that work has been put off. So I went to the court house to show my proof of insurance on my pick up truck, the ticket I got a week ago.

“You will have to wait to the end, after all the others have been done.” o.O “I just need to show this proof of insurance is all- will not take a minute to do…” “The court cases that are on the docket get handle first.” Growling inside I smile at the deputy and ask “Do you know how long that is going to take?” “No. Now have a seat, or come back on the court date.”

Rain- I have the time to sit and wait as I would ON the court date so… I am going to get this off my back today, damn it. So I sat, telling myself I was the one who put me here and not to get upset at these folks.

OH MY GOD. What the hell is with the people today? I mean- 9 DUI? What the hell? He should be thrown under the freaking jail. Face it- jail time is not working on this guy!

I loved the one who got caught with his 3rd DUI, no insurance on the car he was driving, no tags, no driver licenses, found with a controlled drug and a freaking hand gun that was not registered. And what did he get? “I pled not guilt” You got to be kidding me… what? The police made all that shit up?

And the ones who ask "If I pled guilty what happens?" "If I pled not guilty what happens?" I got a idea- How about your freaking ass tell the truth? Did you do it? Guilt. When did this become a bargaining event? What the hell?

No wonder cops get burned out so easy- seeing people walking out of the court houses free. Like- why even throw water on a fire at all if it is being feed gasoline? *sigh* I just sat there with my mouth open ..thinking of just how much of a good girl I am. Yes- I am there with a ticket but holly hell- I felt like an angel sitting with these people.

And the only person in the crowd of 45 or 50 cases that was not a DUI, fines past due, warrants, or drug related was a 17 year old and a 15 year old fighting to get married because he got her knocked up. Her parents would not give consent. Well… good lord. Yeap- that is going to end well I can just tell.

Totally wasted 5 hours of my day with that shit to just step up to the judge, last one in the court room to have him glance down, say “Proof is shown, court date cancel. Thank You.” Trust me- proof is going into the truck today as I never want to sit and listen to court again.



20:16 Mar 16 2009

Bargains are the way of the court these days...too bad....sigh.

19:19 Mar 17 2009

I told ya the circus has nothing on the acts in the courtroom o.o


13:09 Mar 16 2009
Times Read: 1,960

Rat walks toward the PM Instant Activation machine, doing a causal look around as she whistles to give a air of "I am not doing nothing...just look away"...then steps up to renew one of her accounts, having found out it was pass due just after having to cancel her credit card, waiting for a replacement card.

She puts her shiney new card away, still whistling, waving to others on the play ground as she walks away, shifty eyes looking left and right... hoping no one notice she had let one of her profiles run out.

I know .. I know... bad rat. ;)




19:10 Mar 16 2009


I know the feeling >.>


18:27 Mar 15 2009
Times Read: 1,986

She said she "might" like to do a fairy make up. She found a picture with marks around one eye, butterfly. I had a few things since I have been wanting to try this look, but no butterfly.

Then it was black eyeshadow- something she never done before. Heck- with 6 eyeshadow colors I know it was more then she ever worn before.

So it went from fairy to sort of tribal look. lol It just bloom from there. Maybe next time we can do the water fairy she wants. :)



21:21 Mar 15 2009

Wow...who IS that? It sure is not me....I mean....not the me I see in MY mirror. :)

It was a great deal of fun. Thanks sis!

13:11 Mar 16 2009

Why I love make up- you can be what you want to be. :)

It was a lot of fun, we must do it again. :)

13:18 Mar 16 2009

Great stuff.

17:00 Mar 16 2009

*jumps up and down excitedly* I wanna try too :)

beautiful ladies

03:15 Mar 17 2009

Oh Birdy, you look beautiful!!!!

20:50 Mar 17 2009

I remember how much fun we had prowling thorugh ALL the makeup you had to do my pictures- can't WAIT to see what you do with those

And as always, Birdy looks lovely- as did you all

04:38 Mar 20 2009

oh she looks beautiful Vamp! the hell with anyone who says these photo's are wrong.

they are absolute art.


03:46 Mar 15 2009
Times Read: 2,000

Had a nice day - even with work and the rain this morning, Birdy came over and we talked, laughter, I did her make up and took pictures. :) Will edit them and show them off Sunday or Monday.

So I snuggle into bed- coming onto VR to rate some, dull the mind for sleep. Find this on a portfolio:

Hello and welcum to my mind!!


Really- is that a trick question?



04:45 Mar 15 2009

You take great pictures and do amazing makeup


00:05 Mar 14 2009
Times Read: 2,031

Hey!! Come on!! She was giving the right answers!!!

*Kicks VR in it's hard drive*

Freeze my ass! Grrrrrr.




00:17 Mar 14 2009

Well it is Friday the 13th!!!

00:20 Mar 14 2009

*peeks out with shifty eyes*

its a conspiracy !!

*hides again*


23:40 Mar 13 2009
Times Read: 2,037

Elemental is getting ready to take her Acolyte test.

*Rat gets a cold pop and chocolate ready, and cross fingers*


I see cussing coming toward Cancer... but she will not mean it, I swear.

I meant it when I did the test but she will not... most likely.





20:00 Mar 13 2009
Times Read: 2,044

Well that was a long freaking day. Snow, Ice, AND the new truck had issues. I will give it issues. Got stop by the DOT (sorry- vehicle enforcement ...whaaat evvver) and it passed. Just having issues with it taking fuel. It is cold, but not that cold. Customer who was nice but got on your nerves really really fast. AND have to work Sat. :P

With no food at all today.

*watchs the clock for 5:00*

I was a cup of soup, rolls, and something....anything that is hot.

And lots of cold diet pop.

Chocolate is on the order to- even if I have to stop at Dairy Queen and get ice cream damn it.




23:24 Mar 12 2009
Times Read: 2,083

So I am in the office alone. I just get off the phone with a customer who told me their life’s history as she booked a small local move. I am wigging in my chair, really needing to pee. She is finally done with her ‘this is my life in a million words or less’ talk and we hang up. I have told you I don’t like answering the phones, right? I stand, heading to the bathroom. As I do the fax rings and I hear it print off one sheet of paper. I take a small detour and grab it as I walked to the restroom. Reading material- deal with it.

It is a courier run for the night. So I turn back around, grab the portable phone off my desk THEN head to the bathroom. See- you have ten minutes to call in that you will handle the job or they do two thing- 1. Give it to someone else on the list. Or 2- they will call you and check to see that you received the fax. The first one I don’t want to happen as we need the money. The second- that would worry my mom as she is the one who will answer the phone as it switch/rings into the home.

So yes- the phone went with me. Ewwww all you want. :P

Now the courier service is famous… I mean freaking famous for the hold time they make you sit thru. Longest is 23 minutes. So I surely have time to put the phone under my armpit, paper in one hand, pulling the necessary clothing items down with the other, sit and put the phone to my ear before anyone picks it up…

“Hello? This is XXX. Ticket number?”

When you really got to pee- and are peeing- making it stop is not the easiest thing to do. I got my flow to stop, started to read him the ticket number when I remember the words spoken by Birdy “Butt Pucker.” I had to laugh, peed like the race horse that I had been needing to all the while the man on the phone found nothing funny at all about the woman on the phone with him.

I just hope my laughter covered the flood sound.

“Can I help you?” was all he said when I stop laughing enough to catch my breath. “I am..uhh..calling...on…*rustle of paper, phone sliding down on my shoulder*…ticket number…”



23:52 Mar 12 2009

I told you that the Butt Pucker would come in handy and to practice.....see what happens when you don't listen...:)

23:58 Mar 12 2009

I AM DYING!!!!!!! lmfao rofl!!! THIS is great!

03:01 Mar 13 2009

*Grinning* Why doesn't this surprise me? LOL.

18:03 Mar 13 2009

Funny how its acceptable to put you on hold, but you dare to put them in hold and they just find another.


19:03 Mar 12 2009
Times Read: 2,109

Took a picture of my make up- thinking its the look, just different color for my upcoming spring pics.

After I dye my hair that is...damn lights show all the gray. ;)

Or I could just use this picture- note the clothing as we get ready for a "chance" of snow tonight. *smerks* AKA- no snow.

Ok- back to work



19:27 Mar 12 2009

The middle picture, HAWT baby!

*fans self*

20:15 Mar 12 2009

Hi sugar! you are one sexy wimman! Dig the winter whites!

20:52 Mar 12 2009

*puckers up*

oh .. that wasnt for me huh?? lol

22:33 Mar 12 2009

*smacks those pretty pink lips with a dead fish* No snow my tookis! It's coming down like crazy already an inch and 2 -3 more coming. You just had to go and dare it didn't you?


16:33 Mar 12 2009
Times Read: 2,139

If House Eternal ever tried to take over VR- this is what would happen. That is right Cancer...Be afraid ...very afraid. :)

And if this offends anyone- well....reason it is my journal and not yours. :P



17:24 Mar 12 2009

ALLAH!!! ALLAH!! Boostizzi George Boosh...gahbah Allah!

17:54 Mar 12 2009

Oh lordy lolol ...

18:36 Mar 12 2009

LMAO!! Thank you I needed a good laugh!!!

00:35 Mar 13 2009

OK...THAT was funny.


23:52 Mar 11 2009
Times Read: 2,163

I wonder why the ads on TV for the online match making sites don't show a happy, smiling lesbian couple. Or a couple of guys looking longing into each others eyes, holding each other in a hug, talking of how they meet using the site.

A form of discrimination I think.



00:02 Mar 12 2009

i agree!

and it pisses me off !

00:10 Mar 12 2009

Yep, they're bastards!

01:17 Mar 12 2009

there was one for match.com i think that had a man looking at a playboy type magazine.. he sighed and then said 'nope, still gay.' then he was stamped with a 'rejected by e-harmony', it cracked me up but i didn't see it much and haven't in a long time...

someone probably had a problem with it, but i thought it cool some dating site was willing to say 'regardless of what you are looking for, we got it'

06:13 Mar 12 2009

yes it is. especially if you are talking about a certain one that starts with and eH and ends with armony :)



12:18 Mar 11 2009
Times Read: 2,176

The credit card company asked me to call TranUnion and report a fraud attempt on my credit card. So I have- three times. Seems before you can get out of the automated system you have to enter or say your address to it.

Three times and it still gets mine wrong.


I will wait for my sister, who does not have a speech problem, to come to work and do it for me it seems.

Sucks talking funny.




12:51 Mar 11 2009

Those automated systems suck! I once got so fed up I actually yelled into the receiver, "I want to talk to someone LIVE!" And then I hear, "Uhm, Ma'am, how can I help you?" I was laughing so hard I almost couldn't remember why I had called.


22:34 Mar 10 2009
Times Read: 2,204

Oh looky... a 3 rate. Wow...

*Rat looks at the man who left her the 3, and grabs her chest* Ohhhh the pain,.... the pain....I am seeing stars.... I can't go on....

*Rat falls to her knees* Why? WHY? WHY? WHY? Is it because you are paying me back for the rate I gave you as a whelp?

*Rat falls flat on her face, clinched claws hitting the floor as she cries* OhhhhHHHHH THE HORROR!

*Rat looks up and sees the man who rated her standing in front of her face, smiling at her pain, seeing that his payback is working. Rat smiles, her true feelings clear on her face. She reachs out and flips the guy out of her face, sending him off to never never land.*

Dumb ass. Like I care.

*Rat rolls over to her back and lets out a sigh of pleasure*



22:41 Mar 10 2009

lol.... you have a way with words lol

sits in the 'don't give a hoot' section lol with ya.

22:42 Mar 10 2009

atleast it wasnt a 1 lol

22:50 Mar 10 2009

LMAO!!! This made me laugh out loud ..... made my parrots jump!! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL

00:13 Mar 11 2009

ha, say it ain't so!

09:13 Mar 11 2009

Ohhh I really felt your pain...*sniffs*...but I'm over it now lol

14:02 Mar 12 2009

OOO I bet your exhausted after that "performance" *slides over some cheese* :)

16:39 Mar 12 2009

*sits up to eat the cheese* Well a rat does what a rat can. ;)


22:55 Mar 09 2009
Times Read: 2,237

"i am a male seeking dark wisdom please inlighten me"

*rat gives you a look*

Just too easy....



23:01 Mar 09 2009

I *almost* copied this to my journal too. I got a major headache from reading that.

23:05 Mar 09 2009

Damn, I missed this one ... lol

00:12 Mar 10 2009

*falls over laughing*

03:11 Mar 10 2009

Inlighten me two pwease


18:14 Mar 09 2009
Times Read: 2,250

Words out of my mouth today-

"I need a tirod replaced on a 1980 ford ton truck- when can you do that?"

"I don't know how much my mother wants to sell my fathers 66 ford mustang sir... I don't know if she even wants to sell it."

"You changed my credit card address without asking the security questions! What the hell is the reason to have security?"

"But the leak is coming from the rear of the forklift. Yes- you did replace the water pump the first of Sept. Well... you need to find the leak dude."

"Sis- really...don't start that shit with me. Just handle it would you?"

"Look- I don't know what a K pin is on the 80 Ford... you tell me what it is, show it to me and then I will make the call of they need replaced, ok?"

"What do you mean you can't get the parts? Then why the hell did you start,.... nevermind...just get it done ASAP"


Is it time to go home yet?



18:37 Mar 09 2009

I've rented a forklift, gotten a driver, arranged shipment, found a pallet puller, and organized 5 men to offload cargo in the morning.

I have a plumber coming today and an electrician coming tomorrow. Sales at the shop are up, and I have an agenda to put together with financial reports for my board meeting tomorrow. Oh, and I am working on the newsletter!

High 5 to us. Chicks gettin' it DONE! I'd beat my chest and growl, but you know...boobies. I bet you can even drive a standard. Let's get a 6 pack and go whistle at construction workers later!

18:46 Mar 09 2009

A k pin, is a kingpin (a ball joint with a grease fitting). They're popular on older 3/4 and 1 ton trucks. ;)

19:16 Mar 09 2009

As you have not yet used actual violence I would say...get while the goings good lol

19:53 Mar 09 2009

Key word is "yet" :)

Bones- I now know what they are, and that they are not a high $$ item so we have two new ones ordered. That and the other work should handle the "wobble" the men are feeling in the front. Gee- I still don't like doing dad's job.

Joli- *hits her own flat chest* and gives a peace sign with a smile. Now that sounds like fun. Main St. Federal Court House is being built on our town....men all around the place. First 6 pack is on me. And you just show your bad self...doing all that and looking damn pretty on top of it. YOU GO GIRL!!


16:57 Mar 08 2009
Times Read: 2,279

Friday the girls and I was going out to our normal dinner, time to catch up on the week, rant and rave, laugh, and make plans for the weekend. It is the start of my weekend- walking into the place, hearing the "Hello Ladies" from the people who work there.

I had been up since butt crack of dawn and let time slip by me so when Birdy called to see where I was I was already late to meet with them at Cat's place. We always try to take one car as the parking at this place is tight.

I jump in my car, start the three mile trip to Cat's- going down this hill when I see the man. He is a older gray headed man dress in a lovely black suit, red stripe tie, black dress shoes. He used a cane. Now this hill has a sidewalk but he was walking on the other side, with a ditch. I pass him, thinking he would get hit before he ever got off the hill.

I speed along ... thinking the girls will be waiting. But then I remember the man who came to dad's funeral. He lives a few houses down and I did not know him at all. He walked up to the coffin and he took my hand, telling me Tommy picked him up one day in the rain, giving him a ride home. And since then he would stop about once a week or more when he say him sitting on his porch, to see if he needed a ride to the store or any place else. "People don't do that now- Tommy was a kind man to help me that way." I never knew this about my dad. I have learned a lot of things about him since he passed away, a lot of people telling me things. From his donations to a church bus fund, to his giving of a motor to a fire department for one of their trucks.

Back to the man- I have looked since- he lives in a little rental house that is not the best, and does not own a car. Dad helped out in such the simply way of a ride and this man made his way to the funeral home to show his respect. If I had not had my mask on so tight I would of cried then like I am now.

So I turned the car around and I went back for the little old man. He was going to a funeral home- the one dad had been in, to pay his respect for a old friend. He lived in the fixed income houseing that was on the other side of the hill he was walking down when I picked him up.

We chatted, he thanked me, and I told him he was welcome. I drop him off and went across town to Cat's- a good 20 mins late now. I pull in and just said I was doing something to honor my daddy and they knew I was upset, fighting tears. Cat's sister came to me and hugged me, and I let the tears go. One long group hug later and we started our weekend together.

Not only do I have,,,, did I have a great father- I have some rocking friends too. :)



12:01 Mar 09 2009

It may not seem like it, but it's good to break down and cry like that when the feelings hit.

I "held it together" when my Dad passed when I was 20. When my Grandparents passed, even when my Mom died 8 years ago. I was too "together" to cry like a fool. Well eventually it caught up to me and caused some huge issues.

Let the grief out, you have great friends who will hold your hands, give a hug and dry your tears. Don't be too togh to cry!!!

00:11 Mar 10 2009

We're pretty lucky too sis


11:16 Mar 07 2009
Times Read: 2,306

1- I should not post to the forum when I am half asleep.

2- I dislike whinners...

3= MysticMoon is a cool person to talk to in the predawn.


Time for sleep now...



15:29 Mar 07 2009

Honey you dislike whiners even when fully awake lol

01:40 Mar 08 2009

What next... no drunk rat forum posts????

06:09 Mar 12 2009

1. same here

2. me too

3. yes she is, though i don't think i have talked to her that early :)


19:45 Mar 06 2009
Times Read: 2,336

"im joe im 15 single now i did have a profile on here painislove i have a drug problem and alcahol problem"

I kind of think I could name another problem you have. :)



19:48 Mar 06 2009

Heh...I have an alcahal problem too. Damn tahkeela.

19:52 Mar 06 2009

spelling maybe?

20:21 Mar 06 2009

pickled brain cells?


21:01 Mar 06 2009

Its ok you have to have a brain in order to damage it..

22:51 Mar 06 2009

Does anyone else read it "penislove"?

Anybody at all?

04:37 Mar 07 2009

Hhhmmmm nope- just pain in love.

*know where you mind is* ;)

13:36 Mar 07 2009

I saw it...penislove.

*cleans glasses*

14:46 Mar 07 2009

*borrows Stikki's glasses*



00:51 Mar 06 2009
Times Read: 2,350



20:27 Mar 05 2009
Times Read: 2,360

Remember the part of Die Hard movie where he is climbing thru the air vents, all dirty and cut up, holding his cigarette lighter to see by? You do? Then this is said in that tone of voice…

“Come on over…we will have a few drinks, some fun. Oh…did I tell you about the job I am giving you? Don’t worry - it will be lots of fun. Lots of laughs…”

*smiles at Meeper*

And before the rumor mill starts- I am kidding.

Honored she asked me to join her House. I just have to poke at her some. lol




03:30 Mar 05 2009
Times Read: 2,382

Today has been a fun day. Fun- something I have to thank RedQueen for showing me I was missing that in my life.

Cat and Birdy try to keep me in a good mood, calling and chatting with me. But when all you want to do is cry... not that easy on anyone to help. RedQueen came bouncing in and showed me that I am alive, I have friends that I love and that I needed to grab life again.

And I have. I have spent more time with Nightgame and Elemental this week, seeing them most days, talkng to them everyday like we use to. I went out to dinner with Birdy and we sat afterwards at the table and just talked for three hours. lol Talk about a sore butt. But it was fun. :)

My friends- we can talk about anything. From a hole being a hole, you hoe. To the latest music from a band we enjoy. We talk of the news, relationships, family. We can listen as one rants, letting them get the steam out. Or maybe that is just me that does that. ;)

We just talk. I can say anything, they can say anything. Its a safe place. We know each others flaws and we understand them.

Seems of late I have taken them for granted- RedQueen visit showed me just how lucky I am to have them in my life.

So to Elemental...

Happy Birthday my sister. May the God and Goddess give you all that you wish for this day, and all the days after.

I am giving them thanks for having you both in my life.

*rat hugs the Birdy, pulling Cat into the hug*



04:42 Mar 05 2009

Awwww that's awesome hon. *hugs*

17:37 Mar 05 2009

*blushes* Aw shucks.......thanks Sis. :)

20:58 Mar 17 2009

*leaving a hug myself*

You guys are the best, and the greatest female friends I have ever had- thank you for a truly lovely week, and for reminding me of what it was like to have good warm loving friends from the south.


18:43 Mar 04 2009
Times Read: 2,410

Phone rings and I answer it. An older lady who wants a general idea how much it would cost moving her two bedroom apartment from our town to the next town, a 50 mile round trip.

"Our local charge is $65.00 a hour for three men and the van.."

She lets out a low "Uuuuuu. That answers that question. Never mind."

She hangs up. I look at the phone and say..

"I am sorry- let me freaking pay you to hump your shit. Is $65.00 enough? No? How about a hundred? Hold your breath till we show CHEAP ASS!"

Then I hung my phone down with a bang.

See- this is why office equipment never last long around me. ;)



19:00 Mar 04 2009

You just 'moved' me ... lol ... and it was free!

20:34 Mar 04 2009

LOL! But you know, I think it's because people understand $10 an hour as THEIR wage... so anything more they simply don't get the equiptment, the people you have to pay, gas, etc...

It's more about lack of education as to why businesses charge what they do. Yuh it sucks when you're broke, but then perhaps you should save for the things you want ;)

Like movers... because if you were in my area I would be saving right now!!! Wooooweeee


17:44 Mar 04 2009
Times Read: 2,420

Rat looks at the hole in the wall, waiting... her paw ready...and then...then...it shows it ass and she slaps it.

OHHHHHH I like this game. Make another.... come on.... get faster with that finger. Sort of like the old game "Smack a Mole"






18:02 Mar 04 2009

Trust you to find fun to have in everything :)

18:21 Mar 04 2009

What the hell...might as well. ;)

*looks at the cat and the padded club in her hand....smack on the tail*

18:53 Mar 04 2009

Now there's a Rat cruisin for a bruising! I can take that padded stick away and watch you run...


01:15 Mar 04 2009
Times Read: 2,433

*snuggles into her blanket* Cold day- but home now and all warm. Having a peaceful lunch with Elemental at work, then a nice dinner with Nightgame makes a Rat.... sleepy.

*yawns and snuggles in*

Nighty night.



01:20 Mar 04 2009

Sleep well sugar :)



19:19 Mar 03 2009
Times Read: 2,452



14:44 Mar 03 2009
Times Read: 2,480

I was thinking it was my old laptop...but it does it on the new one at work too. Is anyone else having issues with VR locking up? I mean...it will not close, having to unplug, pull the battery pack to reset?

Bug the shit out of me....



14:47 Mar 03 2009

I've not had the problem but I think I do remember someone else complaining of it the other day. :(

14:54 Mar 03 2009

ive had a few problems with vr locking up and i have to like restart my computer. It has only happened a few times tho....

15:37 Mar 03 2009


i have had the "hanging up" problem, but not to the extent that i have to turn off the puter !! it eventually kicks back in lol

17:29 Mar 03 2009

Yesterday was bad , but not so bad today, hardley anything.

17:51 Mar 03 2009

I had issues yesterday as well. Today seems fine so far.

18:36 Mar 03 2009

I found that cleaning out my cache helped. Cleaning out the temporary files and cookies especially.


14:18 Mar 03 2009
Times Read: 2,484

Yesterday since it was so cold (temp was 10) I stayed home as the only job we had called and put it off till the weather warms back up. Offered the men a clean up day, picking up trash, working in the building but they said they would stay home, to cold. So I got dressed, and told my sis to call if anyone showed up at the office. Not like I don't live 100 feet away.

This morning I came down to a cold office as I turned the heat off, it was warm Friday when I left. My metal desk is a ice block, and Brrrrr it is still in the teens outside.

Speaking of outside- the trucks would not start this morning. No big shock this but took us (me and three men) a hour to get two of them to start. *sigh* Dad would of been here at 6:00 am, and we would of came in to a nice warm truck sitting outside, ready to go.

Another point to show myself I can not do the job dad did. :( I mean...yes I could get up early and come down, but then I would have trouble. Battery charger, starting fluid is not something I ever wanted to deal with.

But I guess I will learn to- can't waste that labor, and making the customer wait is not good.




21:58 Mar 02 2009
Times Read: 2,505

Seeing this TV ad just makes me wonder…

An older couple sitting in a living room, her telling him how she changed their cell service. He says how much he hates changes and commitment. She tells him she knows as they have had the same dog breed for years.

“We have had 11 dogs name Bill in the last 20 years” or something like that. Thing is… that is my problem. 11 dogs in 20 years? WTH? What happens to them?

That nice older couple, one reading a newspaper, the other one knitting in the typical living room just changes for me. They turn dark, that old couple turns evil. The basement where they sacrifice the dogs to the devil, adding years to their lives. Dog fur, bones laying about a pit that is a portal to hell.

*evil laughter*


Ok- I watch waaaay to much TV.



22:41 Mar 02 2009

Ohmigoodness. Do they live beside the autobahn? What does happen to all those dogs?

Now I wanna know. Really bad. Thanks--because I'll never know. . . . grumbles. . . .

23:25 Mar 02 2009

Anyone writing that script should have noticed how those numbers are seriously wacked. Each dog didn't even make it to 2 years!

23:57 Mar 02 2009

Now see it makes me think of them trying to live on a fixed income and needing food... oh ugh!

03:27 Mar 03 2009

LMAO....You know, I've seen that commercial a bunch of times, and it always annoyed me. I'm sure the next time I see it, I'll think of this entry and burst into a fit of laughter. Thanks. :)

And who is that woman that plays the wife? I know I've seen her in something, a TV series I think, but for the life of me I just can't remember what!

03:50 Mar 03 2009

LMAO *evilly*

14:08 Mar 03 2009

Well.... she was the Grandmother in Charmed. I know as I watched it yesterday, reason I was thinking of the TV ad. :)

And Cat.....EEEEEEEEEwww! I so did not go there.

23:22 Mar 03 2009

Hey, you know what? Maybe they just have a lot of dogs. Why are we all assuming they died?

They could've gotten Bill I. Then a year later they get Bill II, Bill I is still alive. Then Bill III, while the other two are still kicking. Maybe Bill II and Bill III breed, providing Bills IV through X.

We all jumped to the conclusion of death. How morbid is that? Lmao. Only on vr.

23:58 Mar 03 2009

True. lol

But the ad only shows one dog.



17:32 Mar 02 2009
Times Read: 2,519

*sigh* Ok- now to try and redo the Laughter Hall in the House. ( I hate codes...I know I am not really doing codes- Cancer, Ferret and Owl did the codes on the page. )


Catch up on my favorite journals.

Leeetttt me think.



19:16 Mar 02 2009

Just remember.....save first.

20:45 Mar 02 2009

I vote journals :P


Puppy pictures. :)

01:20 Mar 02 2009
Times Read: 2,546



02:56 Mar 02 2009

you did a good job with these......and I guess we should schedule a time to do MINE. :)

05:15 Mar 02 2009

LOL...those are awesome!!!

14:25 Mar 02 2009

and her personality can be seen in each and every one of them! Good work sis :)

04:39 Mar 06 2009

she looks gorgeous!

21:01 Mar 17 2009


You are SO busted, you HUSSY

damn, I do look good though

*pets rat behind my back*

Thank you honey...LMAO


15:41 Mar 01 2009
Times Read: 2,564

Puppy turned to leave found herself being attacked. Cat jumps on to her back, arms wrap around the puppy’s neck, the birdy flapping her wings, blocking her way and the heavy weight of a rat hanging off her tail.

“Oh come on…girls…it’s not like I am leaving forever.” Puppy gives a little shake and the cat landed on her feet, rat on her butt. Puppy turns and uses her nose to roll the rat over to the cat, the bird moving to stand next to them.

Puppy sits, and looks at the sisters she has found in Kentucky. “I will be back. And we can message each other all the time.” Rat crosses her arms over her chest. “But we don’t want you to go Puppy.” Cat and Birdy nodded in agreeement.

Puppy smiles and leans in to lick the rat, rubs nose with the Cat, and leans her head on the birdy head as her wings come out enfold the puppy. The rat and cat look at each other, then join in the hug. “We will always be close in our hearts. Be good to each other.”

Puppy turns to leave and the sisters watchs her go with sad eyes. Rat says “She is a good old dog.” Puppy turns back around, and with head bobbing and paw pointing she says in her special tone “Don’t make me come over there. Really? You going to start the age thing? Don’t make me go all rat terrier on your ass.”

Laughter follows the puppy, the bond and joy she shares with the sisters made.




18:46 Mar 01 2009


00:32 Mar 02 2009

I'm telling you it's Jack Russell for sure...

01:39 Mar 02 2009


21:04 Mar 17 2009

Okay, I love you guys and all, but if I hear the Jack Russel one more time, Puppy is moving in for GOOD...lol

01:54 Mar 18 2009

Jack Russel

Jack Russel

Jack Russel

Jack Russel

Jack Russel



04:26 Mar 01 2009
Times Read: 1,818

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I got to put "not the normal" make up on RedQueen and take pictures.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Now to bed early to see her off.




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